Friday, August 31, 2012

Yesterday, just as I finished writing my blog, complaining about how it was Thursday, I did something fantastically stupid.

I like to let my coffee sit on the burner until it's really hot, because if I don't it gets too cold when I add the cream. So I had just poured myself my second cup of coffee and returned to my computer for 15 minutes more of pure zombification when I reached for my coffee cup....

....and promptly let go of it.

My hands do that sometimes. It sucks.

So I spilled the scalding hot goodness all over myself AND my desk AND a little on my keyboard AND my work clothes. Oh, AND the floor AND the wall. Yep, it was everywhere, and I had 15 minutes before I needed to leave for work. Awesome. So I quickly pulled off my clothes, trying to avoid any lasting burns (which I managed, but the skin on my thighs was mighty red all day) and scrubbed the floor and wall. Pretty sure my neighbors got a good look at all my business if they were looking into my windows, but I figure that anyone who takes the chance and decides to look into my house deserves to see what he sees. Ha.

So, floor scrubbed, I turn around to see that the ivory quilt my mom gave me as a wedding present has a huge brown splash o' coffee running down the corner. Crap. So I pull that off of the bed and run (still naked...don't judge) to the kitchen to rinse it in cold water and spray some Shout on it. No time to wash it.

Then, I go back and take a shower and pick out a whole new outfit, which consisted of my favorite shirt and pants (stretchy goodness will always save the day).

Aaaaaand at this point I'm 10 minutes late to work. Fortunately, I had misjudged the time I needed to be there, so it was fine, but holy cow. That sucked.

The rest of the day was outstanding, though. I can't figure out if that was due to the fact that I was wearing really comfortable clothes or just that the morning was so bad it made everything else better by comparison. Oh, well. New Mexican food for dinner tonight, so my day will just fly by.

Mmmmm. Cheesy goodness.

Yep, that. Be jealous.

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