Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It really stinks when life gets in the way of your job and there's nothing you can do about it. For instance, I am having a massive amount of toothache. Yes, it's been going on for a while, and yes, I do work for a dentist so I could've just said something about it, but I was giving it time. I'm convinced that most of my ailments are psychosomatic anyway, so I assumed that my toothache was happening because I'm not in love with that particular line of work right now.

Yeah, it's not that.

Moving on to yesterday, I probably need two root canals (I'm going to the endo guy for a consult, but since doing all the bite test action yesterday, my teeth are on fire...maybe I should call the office and cry for some pain meds...I do mean actually cry...it happens more often than you'd think) and since then, both teeth are non-stop killing me. Seriously. For reals.

Whine whine whine whine whine.

Anyway, I had a rehearsal last night for a paying gig. A really really well-paying gig. And I blew. Big time. It was very very bad. I blamed it on my teeth, but was it really my teeth? I think it was, but it was still embarrassing. I feel that if one is a professional, one's personal life should never, never interfere with a job.

That may be a lump of crap, though. I tried really hard and just failed spectacularly.

Oh, well. At least it was a rehearsal and not a performance. I hope I can get this taken care of before the real thing in a few weeks. 


I need some ibuprofen.

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