Thursday, August 23, 2012

After having completed two successful ponchos and two successful pairs of slipper socks, I am now working on a shrug, which I'm guessing is just like a sweater but it doesn't button in the front, and really, if it looks like crap once I get done with it, I'm going to cry. I was going to get it finished yesterday, but then I realized I've fallen way behind on my bagel-making, plus we needed cupcakes for a semi-special occasion, so I did that. So, yeah, it's pretty Martha Stewartly up in here, except that all of my junk is crooked and she's generally much better at doing the evil smile than I am. My Grandma was the master at that smile when I was little, although now that she's not dealing with a house full of screaming kids, she doesn't do the smile.

It's kind of sad, really. It was the kind of smile that said, "Hey, now. You're welcome to keep doing that horrendous activity, but if you choose to do that, there are going to be consequences, including (but not limited to): Spanking, yelling, grounding, public shaming (that was my favorite) and/or any and all forms of work to be used as a punishment, the most likely being cleaning toilets or windows."

Yep, that was all in that smile. You knew you had about a minute before the stuff hit the fan and you were going to be in a world of hurt (not necessarily physical, but, boy, could my grandma give an effective spanking...and I totally deserved it). Martha Stewart has nothing on my grandma. Well, except the fancy cooking part, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't have any screaming children running around, distracting her. That would totally not be allowed.

I need to work on my evil smile.

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