Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Someone posted this sign on Pinterest yesterday that said something about a person saying, "I'm bored," and how it's not really a relevant statement, ever.


I haven't been bored in ages, but when I was ten, I was bored all of the time. I would love to be bored. I really do not see how people with other people to take care of get anything done, because I am constantly running behind, which makes me crazy.

Or maybe I was already crazy.

Is it only the crazy people who think they're already crazy, or is it non-crazy people who are aware of what crazy is, so they really aren't, but they are aware of how they're teetering on the edge of a big old craziness abyss?

I think maybe that one's me. The one that involves teetering. I loves me some teetering.

Digressed there, a bit. Did I have a point? I don't think so...I have a to-do list today that's about a mile long and I don't see any way I'm going to get all of this crap (yep, most of it's crap) accomplished if I keep sitting at my desk, whining and then writing a blog about it.

I also realize that I haven't had any bodily function stories in ages.

More failure. Ugh. I hope I do something really splendiferous soon, to make up for it. Ha ha ha....that's about as likely as me eating beets for lunch.

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