Friday, September 29, 2017

Yes, the High Holy Days are upon us. I made it through Rosh Hashanah, and now it's Yom Kippur time. If you haven't been to one of these services, it's a really cool experience. I was told it was similar to the Christian Church's Easter or Christmas services, but it's not at all like those, at least in my experience. So I will share a little so you can get the feel of services in the temple. Or, at least, the temple where I sing.

Men wear suits. Real, three-piece, long ties, and nice shoes. I mean, NICE. They shine them and everything. Now, this may not be weird in some churches, but I'm from New Mexico, so the only time I'm used to seeing men in suits is at weddings and funerals. Oh, and in court. Sometimes. At least, the lawyers. But, yeah, really really formal.

The ladies wear real couture things. Suits and formal dresses and also sequins and floral things and whatnot, along with a ton of makeup. So much makeup. Like stage makeup almost, and these services are hours and hours long, so that's a real commitment. And the hair is sprayed to perfection with some kind of industrial strength business. There is no moving of the hair.

Did I mention jewelry? Men and ladies, they've all got a lot. Like, big big rings and necklaces that must weigh a billion pounds. Again, so much discomfort for such a long service. They are champs.

Now, this being Santa Fe, there are those that go for the loose flowy linen clothing, much as I myself prefer to wear, but they are definitely in the minority. They also put the little kids in suits and stuff, and the teenage girls typically wear heels that are way too high for them and hobble to their seats. It's awesome.

My favorite part, though, is the service. It's the most honest service I've ever seen. People screw up, laugh about it, get all emotional and don't apologize, and the temple openly tells them they need to contribute money and help other people. It's so good. Just putting it all out there and not being at all self-conscious.

Love. It.

Best services ever. I'd almost go even if I wasn't singing for them. Almost. But it's SO LONG. Like, sometimes I feel like I want to say my water just broke and I have to rush to the hospital because I just want to get the heck out of there.

But I don't. Because it's overall the most entertaining and also meaningful service of all time. So, so good. I highly recommend it.

And happy new year, everybody! Go be nice!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

So I had a fifteen minute long conversation with a friend yesterday about energy, and it didn't seem at all weird or creepy, just normal.

So I realized that the Santa Fe has, in effect, taken over my mind.

It's all good,  but just in case you're wondering, here is a list of things I do now because, well, Santa Fe.

First, I actually use the reusable bag collection in my trunk. They're not just for pretty anymore.

Secondly, I have started getting rid of all clothing that isn't loose, flowy, and linen. Ain't nobody got time for uncomfortable pants.

Third, my turquoise collection is growing at a rate that frightens me.

Fourth, I have started checking the label on my cereal box for poisonous chemicals (especially sodium triphosphate), and I haven't eaten a Lucky Charm in weeks. I also have a fridge drawer full of organic apples and grapes, and I've started cleaning everything with vinegar and baking soda.

And finally, (this is the biggest one), I have had two, count them, TWO microbrewery beers in the last week. TWO. 

So, yep, it's all Santa Fe up in here. Oh, and I baked granola yesterday. GRANOLA. It's gonna get real hippie up in here, real quick (minus the b.o, and patchouli). Woohoo!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

If you and I happen to be friends on Facebook, you may have noticed that I am a little tiny bit obsessed with my cockatiel, Lulu.

No, seriously. I am. It's okay.

She is pretty darn awesome. And now it's even better because she has a play gym and she's starting to get less scared of it. (She's a bird. Everything scares her at first, and then she gets used to it and decides it's okay. Well, everything except me. She knew I was her flock immediately, the first second we met.)

Anyway, I've been testing out new TV shows to see what she likes, partially because it's so random I can never guess, and partly because she's started crowing at things when she likes them and it's super cute. So far, I know for sure that she loves Absolutely Fabulous and Scooby-Doo, but yesterday we discovered that Fantasia (the original one, not that Fantasia 2000 ridiculousness) is her all-time favorite. And she prefers Bach to Tchaikovsky.

So proud. So. Proud.

I know, I know, but she's a little piece of happy in my neurotic mess. I can't help it.

So stinking cute.

Friday, September 8, 2017

For some reason, it's getting harder and harder to write about anything funny. Not because things aren't funny, because, trust me, the poop jokes are always a-flyin' around here.

I just can't stop thinking about all the not funniness right now.

So much fighting and so many people who are treated so badly, and so many people who seem to care so little for their fellow humans and their rights, as long as they aren't the ones being oppressed, harassed, or violated in some way.

So many people who only care for money and find no value in feeding the spirit with beauty for nature or art or music or spending time with other people or animals.

So many people who want to work but can't; or, conversely, who have to work all the time, but never get ahead so they can have time to rest.

And so many people who are sick and struggling just to feel okay.

Yeah, it's been one of those weeks.

So maybe I'll try to be a little nicer and a little softer, so I can feel sad for others and not cause them pain. Maybe do a little extra for my neighbors, just because that extra feeds my heart, not because I have to. Not to be an ultra pious goody-goody, but just because it is so rough out there. Just, so rough and I know I'm not the only one who had my entire extra large rear end handed to me this week.

We are all way too tired.