Monday, August 20, 2012

This past week or so was really fun, while also being really lame. My husband and I had a nice Sunday together and I got my house ultra-super-mega cleaned, but I was also on the receiving end of some strange behavior that I don't quite get. It hurts to know that people you thought would accept you unconditionally (because you accept them unconditionally) have all of a sudden decided that you're a problem. So criticism about your life is still hunky-dory, but none is allowed about anyone else.

That's fine. I'll take the teasing and joking about my issues, rather than everyone going all silent when I have to straighten every picture in the house or when I take ten minutes in the bathroom because I had to clean the faucet.

So when I go to wash my hands for the tenth time since you've been around, go ahead and say something if it makes you feel better. It's something that I have to deal with every day anyway, and I prefer to laugh about it, rather than being upset that anyone mentions it, because it really is rather embarrassing and painful at times, but I'd rather approach it like it's something funny.

Ha ha. My neuroses are hilarious, aren't they? Actually, to me, they are. Funny is way better than being uptight and self-righteous about a crappy situation we all know exists. I know that the way I am is not normal. I don't expect everyone else to do the things I do; that would just be ridiculous. Don't you think?

Ugh. Times infinity.

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