Monday, April 27, 2020

April has been tons of fun thus far. Sanitizing, handwashing, sending my husband to the grocery store every two weeks to look through the store and try to decide what won’t be there next time, so we should probably get two of that thing. You know, same as everyone else on the planet.

Also my eyes are on fire and my nose is runny, and I’m rashy and itchy because of all of the pollen and wind, so that’s neat, too.

I’ve always kind of hated April, but this one takes the cake.

Oh, and my job share person at work just officially quit, so now I get to figure out how to train a new person (if we can find one), or do all the work myself. I already pretty much was, so I’m voting for no new person until the quarantine is done. It’s just too much work to do all the work while training someone else, who will probably do no work, then only stay six months and then leave. That seems to be the pattern.

So, yes, April is officially the worst.

I’m sure everyone else is in this boat, though, so I can’t complain too much. Just a little.

Also I just finished the last of the coffee for the day, so boo.

That’s it.

I will leave you with a picture of my current hairstyle. I’m not even exaggerating. My hair straight up looks like that, except that I have lady sideburns, so they’re not all full and porkchoppy. Ouch.

Friday, April 3, 2020

So I'm on day two of wearing my mask to work. I work with people that should be legitimately scared to be here, but they have convinced themselves that it's essential for us to be here, so we are.

And I happen to be the only admin who's here, so that's neat, and everyone has been looking at me weird for two days. I'm totally wearing this thing for their protection, but all day yesterday, I was getting sighs and eye-rolls.

What, guys? You mind ME being uncomfortable so YOU don't get sick, just in case I might have this coronavirus business and be asymptomatic? Seriously?


Today's better. I think they may have gotten used to it. I actually had a coworker ask me if I could send him the pattern I used, because, if I do say so myself, my masks are pretty decent.

Yep, that's as far as I want to go. Decent. Oh, well.

At any rate, I hope that we can all play by the rules, just so everybody can be as safe as possible. Please stay home. Please don't expose any of my family members. Please.

Also, wear a mask so I feel less weird about it. And maybe old guy boss won't call me the Lone Ranger anymore, as I will no longer be lone. I might still range, though. We'll see.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Holy cow, it’s April.

I still haven’t gotten bored, but I still have to go into work, so that takes up time and stuff. I also have a mental to-do list that is basically never-ending, so there’s that. All in all, I project that boredom will occur in 2025.

So here’s my thought for today: Why is it so hard not to panic buy?

I had to go to the grocery store yesterday because we had no more dishwashing liquid, and I have a bunch of dishes that need handwashing. I make a list, do all the things, and as I’m going through the store and seeing all of the empty shelves, I start thinking, “Well, we have soup, but what if they run out and I can never get any more?” I consider buying twenty cans. I talk myself down and buy none, because we need none, and I’m being silly.

I get to the dish soap aisle. The panic buying has kicked in there, too. They don’t have my usual kind, but they have the same brand in a different scent, and there are two bottles left.

Mind you, it takes us about six months to go through one of these bottles. It’s really not something we use a ton of.

So I stand there, fighting with myself about buying two bottles. I remind myself that someone else might need that other bottle, and in six months, there will be more soap. And I stand there. And stand there.

I only got the one bottle, but it was a battle up in my brain.

At any rate, I made it through the store without any panic purchases. Pretty proud of that, but why was it so hard? Ugh. This is weird.

Also, the lady behind me in the checkout line had four huge cases of  Smirnoff Ice and the rest of her cart was filled with Doritos. You know quarantine at her house is going to be amazing.