Friday, October 12, 2012

So I had this weird dream last night that I started having my high school students date each other so they could be more expressive when they sing Italian songs. It was specific students, too, not fake ones my brain manufactured for me so I could have a more pleasant dreaming experience.


It didn't work out so well, and they stared having a West Side Story-style dance-off/rumble in my back yard, complete with gangs, except one of the gangs had Hector Elizondo leading it and the other one was led by Peter Falk as Columbo.

I'm pretty sure this dream means I've been watching way too much TV while I've been crocheting and my brain is starting to freak out a little. There was even some snapping and people were wearing bandanas, so that part was cool, but I would never encourage my students to date one another. Especially since, right now, the only ones that are an appropriate age are related to each other, and everyone else is in elementary school or married. 

Yeah. That would be bad.

The rumble in my back yard, though, would be stupendous. I think I could sell tickets to that, as it was so magnificent in my dream that even though I woke up just a few minutes into it, I tried to go back to sleep so I could see more because it was making me laugh.

Rumbles are the best. That's about all I know.

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