Friday, October 19, 2012

Last night, my mom said something along the lines of, "...and when she was in the house, I had to poop."

Really. That came out of her mouth.

What she meant to say was, "...I was so pooped," but that's not what came out. It was hilarious, and led me into one of those situations where everyone else stopped giggling about it along time before, but I am still giggling because I made up a whole mini-story/mental picture in my head to go along with whatever was just said (granted, it is usually about some sort of bodily function), and I am trying not to laugh and turning red from the exertion and everyone else is looking at me like I'm some sort of idiot.

Which I, of course, am.

It did not help that I had just received a text from someone involving having to poop and walking up stairs. I giggled inside for the rest of the night.

When the conversation turned to (I kid you not) priapism (look it up), I almost fell out of my chair.

I may get kicked out of bridge for being a dork.

Oh, well. Happy weekend, wish me luck at my craft fair and here's a picture of a bunny. Just for fun.

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