Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's gotten to the point where watching anything to do with the presidential election makes me vomit.

Last night, for instance. That debate was just horrible. It makes me feel like our country has degenerated into a bunch of rude, cocky politicians that are completely incapable of formulating an actual response to even the most basic questions.


This is both parties.

When they talk about the middle class I can feel myself gagging and trying to push back the urge to hurl. Because, really, no successful politician (nowadays) knows anything about the middle class, except that we shop at those kooky discount stores and we drive minivans and have to take out home equity loans in order to build a second bathroom for the kids.


They all have terrible manners and no dignity and all of their statements just go around in circles without actually getting to anything that resembles a point. Oh, and they're completely incapable of getting anything done once they get into office. 

That's what those other branches of government are for. Duh.

So I shall keep my fingers crossed that we all come to our senses and vote for Winnie the Pooh. He's adorable, and I think that even though he wasn't born in America, he would do a fine job.

Mostly because he's aware of the fact that he has very little brain.

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