Monday, July 2, 2012

Alright, I'm done. I wrote a review, to be published in a local paper. I realize this isn't a super big deal, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist about things that go out with my name on them.

Thus, no name on my blog.

Anyhow, from now until it comes out, I think I may be a nervous wreck; therefore, I will have to think up ways to entertain myself. Today, I will probably bake up a storm, eat what I baked, and then cry about how I'm so fat even though I try to eat well.

Yep, I plan out my crazy behavior. That makes it easier to make fun of, later on.

I think the reason I'm nervous about this review is that it's about singers, and I'm a singer, and I know what it's like to have a review that's disappointing. I also know what it's like to read a review of a show that I've seen that is all sugar and no truth, or where the reviewer was obviously friends with a particular cast member.

That drives me nuts(ier).

So, I'm trying to be supportive while still being honest, which is very difficult, as you all know (or, at least, the women readers know, hahaha). I hope I struck the right balance, because I do think opera is the highest art form out there (other than fart jokes), and I would hate to think that my opinion broke someone's heart or made them feel that I was belittling their expression.

Then again, maybe my little ego is just too fragile and other people are more resilient. I don't know.

Support your local musicians and artists. 

Don't be mean to puppies.

That is all.

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