Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dear Lady Who Works At The Grocery Store,

I am your customer. That means I am at your store to purchase products. Your store has already purchased those products from a supplier, and when I purchase the products from your store at a slightly higher price than the store paid for them, the store makes what they like to call a "profit." This "profit" enables the store to pay your salary.

Don't give me a nasty look when I happen to need something on one of the shelves you're stocking. I could just as easily go to a different store or buy the item online, and your store could have to shut down, thus cutting off your income supply. 

That's the way it works.

Plus, I can always wait for you in the parking lot and we can throw down. That's how I roll.


A Customer (Who Didn't Get Enough Sleep Last Night And Is On Her Third Cup Of Coffee, Which Isn't Doing Enough To Improve Her Craptastic Mood)

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