Monday, March 12, 2012

Okay, here we go. A whole new week. You can sing that last sentence to the tune of A Whole New World from Aladdin, but that won't make today any better. Or will it?

I have decided that I'm going to have a good attitude about everything. Will that make me one of those holier-than-thou people who drive you nuts? Quite possibly. In our family, when you do anything, you go all-out and strangle every last bit of life out of an idea before you give up and move on to the next thing. Therefore, I shall become incredibly, irritatingly positive.

For those of you who know me well, I revel in my pessimism. Always have. It's like a security blanket. I suppose the reasoning behind this is:  If I expect things to go wrong and they don't, then it's like a big surprise, but if they do go wrong I'm prepared. I have decided, in my infinite wisdom (hahahahahahahahaha), that I should stop expecting anything whatsoever. I am going to be less prepared.

Oh, poopy.

That's a little like the Pope trying to be less Catholic.

I realize most of the blogs you read, if you are a blog reader and you're not just reading mine because it's the most hilarious blog ever (it says so right up there in the address), are about people who are trying to make their lives better. I actually have a pretty phenomenal life, so instead of trying to make my life better, I am going to try to enjoy the life that I have. I'm not saying that to brag, I'm saying it because when I actually think about it, being me does have its perks. So, instead of constantly worrying about the bad things that could happen, I am trying to just live in the present. You know, do nice things for other people and whatnot, and enjoy my time with the people I care about. Junk like that. Less worrying. Less worrying. Less worrying.

And as I type that, I'm worried about whether my blog today is too emotional, and if I'm over-sharing.

I said I was going to try. I haven't attained perfection. Yet.

P.S. I made the best, most craftiest craft EVER and I'm very excited about it. I want to share it with you because I already made it my status on Facebook and I can't contain my excitement.

Yes, I used my Pooh Bear as a model. What of it?

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