Friday, December 28, 2012

It always amazes me that, no matter how determined I am beforehand, and no matter that I set a date for getting back on my diet, I always give up and fall completely off of the wagon that is my diet as soon as Christmas hits. 

This year is no exception.

I guess maybe I just get really really tired of writing down every piece of food that goes in my mouth, and I guess I was super diligent all the way up until Christmas Eve, which has never happened before, and I guess that taking one week off isn't going to kill me.


I wrote down all of my food yesterday, but I went way over, due mostly to the fact that I ate candy. A lot of candy. And it was delicious. I will write today's food down because, well, I'm freaking out a little over how much weight I could potentially gain, especially once I'm off work for the weekend and the drinking begins. 

Mmmm. Malibu and Coke...don't judge. I drink red wine, too, but there's just something magical about coconut-flavored anything mixed with my favorite of all beverages: Real Coke. None of this diet business.

Anyhoo, I suppose I will have to hit it hard once January first arrives, but I will try my best to just enjoy relaxing a bit.

I will also try my hardest not to stop at the grocery store on my way to work, just to pick up a box of chocolate-covered cherries for the road.

Those mofos are delicious, and I haven't had any yet...

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