Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Alrighty, it's 12-12-12. I'm sure some crazy crap is going to go down today.

Or, I'm going to use my morning off wisely and wrap some dang Christmas presents.

Either way, I am so excited for this Christmas, I can hardly contain myself. I thought I'd write you all a post about the funnest Christmas things my family does, so that you, too, can share in my family's terrific Christmastasticness.

1. We ALWAYS listen to Christmas music, starting on Thanksgiving. It's on in the background at all times. This ensures that everyone will hear his or her favorite Christmas carol, and it also ensures that we're all thinking about Christmas ALL OF THE TIME. You can't think of fun activities and hilarious stocking stuffers if you're not really concentrating on it. Also, we all have an impressive amount of Christmas carol knowledge, which is important for any well-rounded person.

2. We all make lists of what we want on This is important so that each person ends up with a minimum amount of crap presents. I mean, my mom will still buy us clothes that may or may not fit, and my dad will still buy somebody a plastic fake nose/mustache/pair of glasses, but those aren't really crap presents. They're family traditions. I'm referring to the kind of crap present where you buy your family member a book that that person already has, so he ends up with two of the same book and a sad, sad feeling in his heart.

3. We always make crafts. ALWAYS (I realize there are a lot of alwayses here, but that's how we roll). Crafty time is vital to our family's amazingness, and contributes to our overall sense of, well, just being way more fun than other, more normal, families. Plus, you should see how realistic bread dough hair can be.

4. We plan an activity every year. Some sort of play, picture or other funny thing we can record in some way and share with other people, so they can feel that special Christmas jealousness of how cool we are and how much fun we're having. You know you want to join in.

5. Finally, we always go drive around and look at Christmas lights (except for last year, because we were all lazy and I think we may have been drinking wine since like 3 p.m.) and get a candy cane from the Santa who hands out mini candy canes outside of his house. That guy knows what's up, and mini candy canes are delicious. Plus, they can be fashioned into a sharp and pointy weapon in case anyone tries to steal some of your summer sausage when you get back to the house to open presents on Christmas Eve (yes, we open presents on Christmas Eve, but there's a good reason for it). You have to have Swiss Colony Beef Log after looking at Christmas lights, and while opening presents. It's the law.

So, get your Christmas on. Regardless of your belief system, it's a good time to be extra nice to other know, peace and love and all of that. Yeah, I'm a hippie that way. Deal with it. Oh, and remember, I like presents a lot. Yeah, that.

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