Thursday, December 20, 2012

So this morning I got up and decided to step on the scale (good plan, right?), as I figured that the world may be ending and as the planet explodes (I decided that's how it's going down), I want to know how I did on that score.

Down a pound and a half from two days ago!

I was very excited and then I thought, "Wait...why?" Then I realized that I've been working so much lately that I have no time to snack. 


This new job that I'm doing at work has taken away all of my snacking time? That's crazy talk. In addition, I have a new tic (which I didn't realize was a tic until fifty people or so asked me if my neck was hurting and I realized I've started rubbing the back of my neck when I'm thinking...great) and my left eye won't stop twitching.

I'm trying to decide if this is, indeed, a problem, or if I should just be glad that I'm losing weight. I mean, I'm fat, right? Losing weight is good, right?

Then I realized that my weight probably would've gone down a lot more if I would've refrained from eating half a dozen cookies and the rest of the frosting in the cookie frosting tube in the cupboard last night after I got home.


So maybe the snacking isn't as contained as I thought...oh, well. Two more days until the real Christmas countdown begins and then I get two whole days off my diet. That's my Christmas present to myself, but I can only have it if I lose 1.6 more pounds before the 24th. Can I do it? You know that I can!

I'm totally out of frosting.

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