Monday, December 17, 2012

I love it when I watch a movie and think, "Why on Earth did this movie not get better reviews?" That happened this weekend with my watching of Casa de mi Padre, an all-EspaƱol movie starring Will Ferrell.

Let me say, first off, that I will watch anything with Will Ferrell in it. I pretty much think that, if I had my druthers, I would be Ron Burgundy in a second life. Also, his characters tend to be so over-the-top, while he looks like such a normal, dorky guy, and that makes him even funnier. To me. This movie isn't too different from that. Except for the Spanish part.

Anyone who's ever enjoyed a good telenovela, as I have, will enjoy the way the camera person zooms in really tightly on their faces during tense scenes. I know that some people are going to get thrown off by the subtitles, but, hey now. Reading isn't that hard. Plus, if you have a basic knowledge of Spanish, even just Spanish cuss words, that will really enhance your experience. You may also, as I did, learn some new cuss words. I always like to expand my horizons, and this movie was super educational.

It's not highbrow, by any means. There are bodily function jokes and lots of butt-grabbing, but it's all in good fun. Seriously. We're all adults. Plus, Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite is in there. There are also many shots involving plastic people. Come on, that's fun, too. The only downside to the picture is that it encouraged my husband to keep growing out his mustache. Sheesh. Yep, there are a ton of mustaches going on in Casa.

So, if you like silly movies and can read a little bit, and also enjoy movies that are filmed purposely to look like low-budget-type shows, you should give it a try. What's the worst that can happen?

Your eyeballs will not start on fire. I promise.

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