Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So I get these ideas where I'm going to be massively creative and make a masterpiece, and then it ends up looking like this:

Yeah, I know. It's my own fault for using that ball of sickly pink scrap yarn that was a completely wrong weight and then not having the right gauge hook and/or a proper bowl to hang it over while the stiffener was drying, but still...I wanted it to be good. Therefore, as of today I have decided that I will not undertake any more projects when I don't have the necessary tools and/or ingredients.

Hahahahaha. Right. That's not going to happen. I craft the way my mom cooks, but without the awesome end results. She throws in a pinch of this, a handful of that, substitutes something if she doesn't have what the recipe calls for, and voilĂ ! A masterpiece. I, on the other hand, have to have a detailed recipe or it ends up tasting like crap. Sometimes it ends up tasting like crap anyway. With crafts, though, I alter measurements and things and, well, sometimes it ends up looking like crap. So I guess that's not like my mom's cooking at all. It's more like mine.



So I guess for my next project, I should stick with something I know, so it comes out looking like this (yes, I tried it out on my own bed to see if it would be the right size):

Or maybe I should just stop crafting altogether and buy stuff at the store that looks like this:

Hmmm...I could also buy some pants that look like this:

You realize that now I'm just filling space with pictures of things? Things like this:

So I guess the moral of the story is that I should probably not try crafts that I don't have the proper materials for, but that wouldn't be any fun, so I'll probably end up with a houseful of ugly pink baskets. Heck yes.

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