Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Being aware that I'm kind of ten years old when it comes to the sophisticatedlyness of my sense of humor is a good idea if you're going to read this, or else it may not be funny to you.

I'm going to have a nerve test on my arms today, to get a diagnosis for carpal tunnel syndrome (she says, typing on her teensy keyboard in a not-so-ergonomically-correct position on her desk) and I've had several confirmation calls from the doctor's office. Every time, the lady says, "Also, remember not to apply any lotions or creams to the area, starting 48 hours before your appointment."

It makes me laugh every time. If you haven't seen the movie Nacho Libre, you probably won't get why it's so funny, but there's a scene where he's telling the orphans about the perks of being a luchador and he mentions the "free creams and lotions." 

(See it here, if you want to: )

The lady in that office has an accent that sounds a lot like Nacho's accent, so, every time, I say, "Mmmhmm." Then, I hang up as fast as I politely can so I can giggle. I have no ability to hold my giggle for extended periods of time. Life is rough.

Yesterday, however, she said it again. "No lotions or creams." I guess I forgot to mentally prepare to just shut my mouth, because I laughed right into the phone. Then I stopped and said, "Oh. I'm sorry." This is the point where any intelligent person would've said something like, "I'll see you tomorrow! Thanks!"

I said intelligent. Not so much ME. I decided that it would be even funnier to say, after having laughed into the phone and still being on the verge of laughter, something like, "Was that no lotions or creams? What about suntan lotion?" Mostly, this was funny to me because it involved me saying the word "creams" and it also involved me asking a very stupid question.

I could tell she thought I was hilarious from the tone of her voice, which now sounded like a bent-out-of-shape Nacho Libre. "No, ma'am. No lotions or creams of any kind."

"Thank you."

I then hung up and laughed for about an hour. I just laughed now the whole time I typed this out. Goodness gracious. Lotions and creams. Sometimes it's fun, living in my head.

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