Friday, September 28, 2012

One lovely thing about my job thing is getting to talk to billions of people every day. People who assume that no one else ever has any pain, and that theirs is automatically the worst pain ever experienced by mankind.

Where I work, I see a lot of that.

When you come in to our office, don't assume that everything we do to you is the worst thing we do. Actually, the most painful thing we do, as far as I know (which isn't very far, mind you...I'm kind of an idiot), isn't even something that the dentists do, usually. The most painful thing, in my opinion, is when the hygienists have to scale your teeth and dig around below the gums. Never had it done, but yikes. It sounds just awful.

Oh, and no one who is over the age of 10 is cute. Keep that in mind. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/spouse and/or your parents may think so, but no one else does. So when you approach me and whine to me about how bad your day is in baby talk, I don't find it adorable. I just want to leap over my desk (that's right, leap) and smack the cute right off of your face.

So, yeah, probably don't do that. I'm a pretty big girl, and I can do some damage.

Might be a tad grumpy. Could be either the lack of sleep or the heavy crafting, I can't tell. Either way, adults who think I'm going to want to coddle them and listen to whiny babytalk have another thing coming. Not going to happen. I might even think up some new form of passive-aggressive revenge that will blow their minds. Watch out.

I may need more coffee this morning.

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