Monday, September 10, 2012

I always feel better about the tasks I have to complete when I have a list. Not so this time. I decided to make my list last night because I was feeling like I have way more work than there are actual hours in a day, and I realized that, in this instance, I was correct.


I'm pretty good when it comes to things like estimating driving time and stuff like that, but when it comes to estimating the amount of time I have to spend on a project, I suck.

Oh, and did I mention I'm working two extra days this week? Yeah, that ended up being the worst timing imaginable. So I have decided that it's probably a good idea for me to work on a pause button. For everyone else AND time, but not for me, so I can get my crap done.

But it has to allow me to watch stuff on Netflix or listen to my iPod while I work, because if I'm doing busy work and I don't have something entertaining to do, I may die. That's going to be the tricky part, I think.

That and the fact that I don't have any science skills, whatsoever. Other than that, though, I'm good.

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