Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I know, I know. A lot of you hate Valentine's Day, but I will always love it, no matter what anyone says. Why? Here is my list:

  • You can eat as much candy as you want, and no one looks at you funny. Who cares if no one buys you any? Buy yourself some, or make it homemade and then you get to lick the bowl and that is AWESOME.
  • You get to be silly and sappy with your special person, even if he normally just gets to see your boogers and see you first thing in the morning looking all gross or even be there when you're pukey and sick. It's a special day to remind us all of how it feels to be in love, which is pretty great. Sometimes it ends, which is sad, too, but sometimes it doesn't. And that is just fantastic.
  • Girliest holiday ever. Yep, along with green, I love pink, and no one's going to convince me that I'm wrong. Doilies all the way, homies.
  • Finally, and most importantly to me, it's a whole day to remind us to celebrate love. Love is the most important thing in the whole world and we should celebrate it. Not just love between romantic partners, but love between families, and love between friends, and even just that hippie kind of love for your fellow persons, which is pretty cool, too.

See? It's a great holiday. And even if you don't like it, you should still have french fries. Or cake. Or a glass of wine.

Or be like me and have all three. That's happening.

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