Monday, February 11, 2013

Apparently, my eye doctor orders glasses really fast, because my new glasses are already there. And I'm kind of excited to try them on, but I'm also a little nervous, because, although I've been wearing my long-distance reading glasses lately to protect my injured eye, I'm not used to wearing them all of the time and I feel like I may have trouble.

Yes, to my cornucopia of various issues, you can add the glasses issue. Wearing glasses, even sunglasses, makes me feel like I have something in-between me and the other person/food/view, and it drives me nuts. I have to take them off to eat, because they're too distracting, and I have to constantly remind myself not to speak louder to people when I'm wearing them, because there isn't really something's just me. Being a weirdo.

I'm getting better at it, I just hope I can eventually wear them when I'm eating, because I think that's probably the time when most of the eye injuries happen. I'm a little accident prone. I get sauce in my eyes all of the time, and I have been known to smack myself with my spoon, while gesturing wildly about something, usually something stupid.

We'll see.

For now, I'll just concentrate on not having red eyes all of the time anymore. That will be nice. It would also be nice if I didn't want cookies all of the time anymore, but I don't think they make glasses for that. Yet. I'll work on it.

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