Perhaps it would be good if everybody just knew how to do everything. That way, I would be free to do my baking and crafts and whatnot. But that might also mean that everyone else would be better than me at everything, and I don't know if I could take that kind of a situation.
I don't have a ton of self-esteem, and I don't imagine that I know everything, but I do have things that I feel comfortable with, and even slightly proud of, and I think it would be a terrible blow to my already fragile little ego if everyone else was comfortable and good with them, as well.
For instance: I am a great speller. I have always been a great speller, and it's not something I worked at. It was a gift. Of course, computers with spell-check weren't in common usage when I was born, so that gift is pretty useless now except when someone's writing a note or something and doesn't have a computer handy. Then I get to be the dancing monkey.
I am also VERY good at making up alternate dialogue to movies, TV shows, songs, and pretty much anything that could have different words. This gift mainly comes in handy when I'm alone, because for some reason, people find it annoying when they're trying to watch a movie and I'm talking over the actors. Go figure. I think I'm terribly funny and they can all kiss my patootie.
I realize both of my skills are pretty limited in scope, but they're mine and I find them amusing. If everyone else in the world was good at those things, I'd probably feel pretty sad. Everyone would be talking over the film at the movies, and I'd probably be telling them to shut up, since another one of my skills is being a curmudgeon.
So maybe it's good that we're not all good at everything. I don't know. It's awfully early in the morning and I just couldn't think of anything else to talk about. Coming up with good blog topics is definitely not one of my skills.
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