Thursday, May 1, 2014

This is my imitation of my Facebook newsfeed this morning:

Person A:  Cheerios are so great! I love them!
Person B:  Um, Cheerios suck. Anyone who likes them is evil.
Person A:  You're an evil puppy killer for not liking them.
Person B:  I hate you.
Person A:  I hate you more.
Person C:  Oh my gosh, remember that time when we ate Cheerios?

Yeah. Guess who's Person C, trying to change topic. I realize I don't have to fix all of the fights, but that's just my nature.

Apparently, we've all forgotten that it's okay for people to have different opinions. In fact, I think there are very few wrong or right answers, and most things can be on a spectrum rather than being absolutely one way or another.

Unless it's my opinion. Then it's fact.

Anyway, there were about fifty of these on there, on topics ranging from ObamaCare to drunk driving. For reals, people, calm down. One can very rarely be right about everything, and it just won't do to crap all over other people for having a different perspective. Civil arguments are one thing, but when people who are friends start using the word, "evil" at one another when discussing trivialities such as who's the best football player, we may have a wee problem.

And, seriously, Cheerios are delicious, but nowhere near the kind of delicious that you get from a box of Cap'n Crunch or the kind of magnificence contained within the confines of a box of Life Cereal or even (dare I say it?) Cinnamon Life. So calm down about that, too.

Geez. Sometimes I feel like you people just want to fight about everything. Maybe if we spent a little longer in Kindergarten learning to share and be nice and about our rights and responsibilities, we'd all be a little better about respecting others' opinions.

Or maybe not. I don't know. I'm a little wishy-washy about most things. 

See how happy they are? It's the Cinnamon Life, man. Now, shut up, eat your cereal, and go to work. And I don't want to hear any more of this bickering, or I'm going to lay the smack down.

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