Wednesday, May 21, 2014

So I'm having this moral dilemma, and it's really making me crazy: What do I do about people who aren't nice to my friends and/or family? Do I continue to be nice and polite to them, as though nothing had happened? Do I add some coldness in, so that they know that I know that they were being turds? Or do I completely shun them and act the way I want to act?

I know I'll probably stick with the first option, but I hate it.

Right now, I have no less than five friends who have other friends who are treating them like crap. These friends are also my friends. It's like a big old middle school, except now we're all adults and if I should happen to punch one of them in the face, I'll probably go to jail. I'll also probably do some serious damage and then feel horrible about it, which would cause me a new dilemma while not solving this one at all. So I guess I won't do that.

I also feel like I shouldn't shun people, because then it might come back onto the person the other people were originally mean to, and it's their fight, not mine. So, none of my business.

But still, it makes me mad. And then the person who's being a poo comes and talks to me as if he or she hadn't done anything at all.

But I know the evil that is lurking inside.

Sort of like The Shadow, except that this isn't a radio show. Which is good because that thing got kind of spooky sometimes. Plus, they pronounce the word "robot" funny. Like row-butt, with the accent on the "row." Say it. It's hilarious.

Anyway, moral dilemma. No answer that I like, but I guess I'll just stay out of it and not participate and let people fight their own battles. It really is none of my business, after all.

Except that everything is my business. So there. Because I say it is, and I love my friends. So I'll be nice and polite and whatnot, but inside? Mwahahaha…inside, I'll be wishing that those people get horrible farts during church. Loud ones that cause humiliation. Or that they'll have boogers hanging out of their noses during an important business meeting, and no one will tell them.

But they'll all laugh about it, and then my vengeance will be complete. Except that I can't really do anything like those things. I would if I could, though. That would be fantastic.

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