Friday, May 30, 2014

So we're having birthday lunch today for a couple of people with whom I work. They bring around the sign-up list, and what do I pick? Something easy? Something cheap?

Naw. I pick what is practically the only dessert I haven't made before, and one that costs more than twice what any similar dessert costs to make: Key Lime Pie.

And I don't even really know if I like it that much, because I've never actually had a piece.

Granted, I have tasted the filling, and it's pretty good, but it's also in a graham cracker crust, which I've never made before because I just don't really like it. I like plain pie crust. I don't like overly sugary stuff, so, yeah, this should be interesting.

Why on Earth I decided to pick a dessert made from a fruit that's not even available where I live (yep, that's right...there are no key limes around), that also involves a bunch of sweetened condensed milk (which is delicious but also super expensive) is beyond me. I think I may have lost my mind. Briefly.

So, anyway, I came home from work last night and made a couple of these. Mostly because making two of something like this is easier than making one, and I figured if it was really good, I could give one to my family, and if it's really bad, I can just hang my head in shame and die. Right there. On the floor.

Because that's really what will happen.

I have a lot of self-worth tied up in my baking, which is ridiculous, especially when one considers that I live in a very high altitude place, where a lot of people have trouble getting baked goods to behave.

But there you have it. So, here is a picture of my lovely pies. Which are actually just lime pies, because there was no way I could get any key limes without going out of town to do so, and that just wasn't going to happen. Keep your fingers crossed that they don't suck.

Oh my goodness I may die. Or I may just eat too much pie and then have a massive sugar overload and then die. Because yeah. 

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