Monday, May 19, 2014

Every year, it seems like summer arrives so much more quickly than I would like. I think maybe it's because I really dislike heat. And sun. And all of those other things that all the normal people out there seem to enjoy so much.

Last year, I got sick at the beginning of the summer, and while I can remember specific events if I try really hard, I don't remember a whole lot of anything about the summer except all of the flooding rain stuff that happened in the early autumn.

This year, I have read weather reports that indicate that we might be in for a rainy summer because of El NiƱo, except that half of the time they spell it El Nino. Which is wrong and it makes my brain hurt. Then, of course, my mind goes to this, and I'm completely useless from there on out:

Anyway, yeah. I hope it is a nice, cool summer, because I seem to remember being forced to wear short shorts around the house for months last year, and nobody wants that. There are children in my neighborhood, for crying out loud. So I hope for my sake, my husband's sake, and for the sake of the children that the temperature doesn't get into the 90s again. Just, ever.

Or, really, even the 80s. I prefer the 60s, if possible. Overcast is also a plus because I am just too pale for this much sun.

Why do I live in NM?

Oh, yeah. Because this:

THAT'S why I live in NM. Well, that and it's really pretty here and the snow that we do get melts right away and doesn't turn into big sheets of ice and we don't get tornadoes or earthquakes (not noticeable ones, anyway) and it's fun to hear Spanish and I love Mariachis (I realize that sounds like a stereotype, but you really do get to hear Mariachis when you go to New Mexican restaurants a lot of the time and they are awesome) and also we have the best sunsets ever. And balloon fiesta. And listening to scientists try to have a regular conversation is adorable.

I guess there are pluses. Mostly chile. Red, green, Christmas, you know, whatever.

So, yeah. Summer. Blerg. I may be extending my crankiness until October, just so you know.

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