Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I suppose that I shouldn't want to be normal. I mean, I grew up in the 80s, and we were all told how special and unique we are, every day, for hours and hours.

Except I don't think that's true. I also don't think it's good.

I would rather just be normal, like the people on TV. They don't worry about everything all the time, and they resolve all of their difficulties, or at least sweep them under the rug, in like 30 minutes. At the most, it takes an hour, but that only happens at the beginning or ending of the season, or when there's a special.

So, come on, life. Hand me some thirty minute problems, like misplacing my mother-in-law's cookie jar or trying to get into a movie and having to wait in line.

Because, seriously, I don't want to be special and unique. It's not okay to just be me, I want to be like the TV people. They're always laughing and having an awesome time, and even when they do have to go to work, it's only for like two minutes, and then they're back to having shenanigans at home with their friends.

I do think that much friend time might be a little exhausting for me, and I guess I don't see people on TV having too much alone quiet time, which is my favorite.

Maybe I shouldn't be looking for life direction from sitcoms. Maybe that's a bad thing.


Maybe I shouldn't stay up so late and then maybe I wouldn't wake up in a horrible mood, wanting to slap the crap out of everything I see.

Poo. It's my own fault.

Maybe I have already learned this life lesson like fifty times.

Yeah. Probably. Oh, well.

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