Friday, March 29, 2013

Last night, we went and did trivia again, only this time it was just me and my sister against 12 or 13 other teams that all had at least four people.

So, imagine our surprise when we came out first after the first three rounds, and then again after the second three rounds!

Haha....not really surprised. They had a music round with double points and we wrecked that.

Anyway, after the last two rounds, we were sitting at our table and waiting for the point tally at the end (we knew we blew it, because there was a whole category about robots in movies, TV and video we have time to watch crap about robots, except, of course, the movie about Johnny 5, but that wasn't even in there so we got no points at all that round). This guy comes up to our table, in massive nerd freak-out mode (I know, buddy...I've been there) and starts asking if we really were ahead after the first three rounds AND the second three rounds.

Yes, yes we were.

I don't know why he was so upset. It's free trivia and the only thing you can really win is a gift certificate to the bar where it's at. And his table totally ended up winning, anyway, because that round with no points killed us (7th place, which is still pretty good, considering the no-points round and the fact that we were by far the smallest team). I kind of wanted to go harass his table after they announced the winners, but I didn't think he would find it funny.

Plus, I'm a little scared by anyone with that amount of knowledge about robots.

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