Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's the day I wait two long weeks for...my lesson day. I get to drive an hour and a half, have a one-hour lesson, and then drive back.

And it's the best part of my whole week.

I realize to some people it seems like a hassle, but it gives me something to work towards and it also keeps me moving forward. If I didn't take a lesson, I would probably just get sloppier and sloppier until I finally collapse on the floor in a heap of goo.

Or I'd find myself only singing in the shower, which is fine for a lot of people, but not for me.

Anyway, it's finally that day, and I'm having some massive sinus issues. Great. Last time it was my day, I'd been crying all morning so I sounded like crap. Today I also sound like crap, but mostly because the juniper has been attacking my nostrils with a ferocity that is unmatched even by ninjas.

Ninjas, I tell you.

So, yeah, I may or may not shoot something out of my nostrils while singing.

But at least I'll be singing.

Especially in the car on the way home, which is pretty much the only time I ever sing along to the radio, and let me tell you, it's off the hook. Like, crazy amazing.

Not really. It's like my mom, singing to the Beatles, all over again, except that I sing to everything, even the commercials. Oh, well. It's pretty gosh darn fun. 

Which brings me back to ninjas. I guess I'm like a singing ninja. With ninja allergies. Watch out for my ninja powers, which consist mostly of being hyper-emotional and being pretty quick with the, "That's what she said"s. Yep. That wasn't random at all...

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