Monday, September 14, 2015

Well, apparently, not being able to sleep the night before a performance, no matter how small, is my new thing. Yay!

I mean, I was hoping my new thing would be a million dollars or losing twenty more pounds before Christmas, but hey...this is awesome too. Or not.


I had singing yesterday and today, a gig that I've done for four years running, and I couldn't sleep night before last. So last night, after I get home from the gig exhausted and totally ready to hit my pillow, what happens?

Yep. I read for a few minutes, felt super sleepy, laid my book down and promptly could not sleep. Just, not at all. Wasn't dwelling on mistakes in my performance or any of that, just wasn't happening.

After about an hour of that, I moved my happy butt into the guest room so my husband could at least attempt to get some sleep.

Ugh again. Just ugh.

So now I'm contemplating going to the doctor for some Ambien or something like that, only the last time I tried it, a few years ago, I had a time or two where it didn't knock me out and I just stayed awake being cuckoo all night. That's no good. I have two more performances, and I would really love to sleep before them, as they are longer than the one last night, and being this tired does not, contrary to popular opinion, enhance what comes out of my mouth.

Unless you mean spit. I can still spit with the best of them.

So, ugh. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.

Alright, enough complaining. Time to go sing some stuff for some people after attempting to put on mascara after approximately two and a half hours of sleep. Huzzah!

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