Friday, September 4, 2015

I am super done with this week.

Actually, it's Friday, so I am, indeed, just about done with this week. In honor of that fact, I would like to share a list of my top five things right now. These are the things that get me through my crazy, with number one being the toppiest of the top. Right now, anyway.

5. Murder, She Wrote. That thing is always going to be up there. I loves me some J.B. Fletcher and I loves me some TV yelling time. That show provides both in ample quantities, plus I can do other activities while I'm watching, so I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something.

4. The Weather Channel app. I check it about fifty times a day, waiting for a weather report that includes temperatures below 70 degrees. Because heat is killing me, for reals.

3. Coffee. I didn't even start drinking it until my late 20s, but this stuff is a lifesaver. Trust me. I almost look forward to the morning, so I can have more and become human again. Almost. 

2. Knitting a new scarf to wear with my new jacket for winter. See #4. I am completely done with summer, and I am knitting a new scarf which is fun because I usually crochet, so I'm trying something different. Which I usually really really really hate.

1. Sleep. I love it. It's the best thing ever. I would like more of it, please. Thanks.

So, that's my stuff. You're welcome. Happy Friday.

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