It is my absolute favorite, other than canning time, which I will try for next weekend. I just ran out of weekend before I could get to the jam. It was nice, though, to get a bunch of my co-worker's beautiful apples processed and saved rather than just going to waste, which just kills me.
We had company on Saturday, so I did homemade hummus (which doesn't count as baking, but I wanted to throw it in anyway), a peach crisp and I finally got around to trying a recipe for brioche buns.
Not going to lie. They were glorious.
We actually had some leftovers so I got to have a big old vegetable sammich for lunch on one yesterday, and I nearly died from the happy. See how pretty?
And then yesterday, I baked two big batches of apple oat bars to freeze for later. My house has never smelled so good, plus I have a nice full freezer. I think next week, I'm going to do my jam making and try to make some more buns to freeze because holy cow.
Did I mention they were awesome? Because yes.
Call me Suzie Homemaker if you like. I know you're all just jealous of my buns.
I couldn't scroll past this post because the bun looks soooooo delicious