Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Yesterday, we went to Costco for our semi-monthly toilet paper extravaganza.

And other things. We buy other things. It's just that the toilet paper is really good quality, and then we don't have to buy any more for ages, so I kind of concentrate on that.

At any rate, you would expect it to be kind of dead on a Tuesday at around 2 pm, right?


There were just people everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I am kind of reduced to following the back of my husband's shirt around the store at that point, as I try to ignore all of the noise and the smells. Well, honestly it's mostly the smells but I know that I'll survive if I just keep my eyes on the prize and don't become distracted.

What was the prize? Um...a huge package of toilet paper, two boxes of protein bars, heartburn pills and a bag of those mini cheeses that are in the red wax.

They are delicious and that part was totally worth it.

At any rate, sometimes I think I'm the only person who is hating the whole thing, because I look around and everyone else seems to be having a good time, buying 52 boxes of brownie mix and/or an industrial oven. And I am just trying to get the hell out of there, despite the fact that I am bypassing all of the good samples and the clothing area, which I normally enjoy.

Sometimes it dawns on me that I might be a weirdo.

It's not that there's anything wrong with other people, necessarily. I would just prefer to never be around them and to be alone in my house. Which leads me to believe that the next logical step is a bulk purchase of cats, so I guess I'd have to go to Costco anyway, because where else would I get the seventy-eight billion pounds of kitty litter my ninety cats will require?

Except I'm allergic to cats, so that's not happening.

Oh, well. I guess maybe one trip every couple of months is something I can survive. Plus, next time we go, it will probably be July, which means that the Christmas stuff will be up, so that's fun.


Costco, why do you make me hate you?

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