Tuesday, May 5, 2015

There's this yardsale page for my town that I like to look at on Facebook, but I've noticed a lot of items just constantly getting bumped up the page and not selling, so I thought I'd offer a little advice, since I am the resident expert on...

...well, everything. Seriously.

At any rate, the first thing a person should NOT do is photograph those things in a realistic light. Pretty much always make sure the item is lit as poorly as possible, or with a really greenish or blueish light, so that the color looks sickly and kind of makes the person wonder whether he or she is looking at stains or shadows on the items. That'll really make people want to take that puke green used bra home.

Also, don't wash or iron articles of clothing. People want a good idea of what the item will look like after it's been worn on a three-day camping trip, slept in, and then balled up and thrown on the floor.

Make sure that if any bedding is being sold, the bed is unmade, with wadded-up pieces of clothing edged in there for realism, and perhaps suspicious staining on the sheets. That shouldn't be an issue with anyone. Not at all.

As a matter of fact, whatever is in the background of the picture taken of the item for sale should be as filthy as possible. Take lots of pictures in the dirtiest bathroom available, or make sure that items are laid on a carpet that looks like it's riddled with dog poop stains and maybe some old cigarette butts, for texture.

Finally, sell lots and lots of items that were purchased at the Dollar Tree store, but sell them for more than a dollar, leaving the $1.00 price tag visible in the pictures so people can see what a sweet deal they're being offered.

If these tips are followed, sellers ought to get exactly the results they deserve.


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