Friday, March 13, 2015

Part of my job as a teacher is to listen to my students tell me about their problems. Yesterday was a big listening day.

I don't mind; I actually feel like that's one of the things I like the best about teaching, because it's really important to me to help people's brains feel good about music and I think sometimes they just have to get their stuff out and I'm being a part of that whole feeling better process. So yeah.

Yesterday, though, it was everybody. All of them. And I kind of felt like something was going around because it just got worse and worse, and none of these people even know each other.

So I have decided, in my über scientific brain, that bad days must be contagious.

It makes total sense to me. 

I have days where everybody is in a good mood because awesome stuff has been happening all day, and everybody's happy, and we get lots of singing done, and blah blah blah. Good. But there are lots of days, too, where everybody comes in with a bad day type of story and these people are not related or friends or anything.

It's weird, now that I think of it.

So maybe it's like a cold. And everyone gets it and then passes it on by being a turd to other people, so it really is contagious.

Or maybe it's just really early in the morning and I'm having these deep thoughts that I will look at in a few hours and be horrified that I put that crap on the internet.

But seriously, have you seen the internet? It's a hot mess. I feel no shame for my little corner of that.

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