Thursday, March 19, 2015

I feel as though I've really accomplished something: I learned how to create my own ringtone for my new smartphone. Also, the articles I read that told me how to do it gave me an average amount of time it should take, and it took me way less, so I feel pretty smart right about now.

But wait.

My new ringtone is so awesome that even my husband, who is not a fan of the custom ringtones, thought it was sweet. He did. Deep down inside. I could just tell.

I'm not going to say what it is, because I want the people who see me in the real world to get the benefit of surprise, but let's just say that it is one of my favorite songs ever, and that I bet more than half of the people who hear it will be like, "What? Is that a remake?"

But it's not a remake. It's the original. People just don't realize it because the remake of it was so popular. Probably because Muddy Waters did it; I don't know. If nobody calls me today, I may call myself just to hear it.

At any rate, I also got all of the icons on the home screen organized into neat little folders, and I downloaded apps and music so it's set up all nice and happy. Plus, I got my case in the mail yesterday, so I can now carry my phone with me without worrying about breakage.

Fingers crossed. I'm pretty good at dropping things.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it has a plastic screen protector, and plastic just doesn't clean as well as glass. I know it came in a five-pack, but I clean that thing like five times a day, so it's going to be super scratched within a week. Maybe I should just take it off. I don't know.

I'll have to think about that. 

So, it's still pretty exciting up in my neighborhood. I'm going to walk to work today, and I don't have to carry my big old iPad because I have my handy iPhone with my whole schedule right on it in my pocket. 

Yeehaw! I've joined the 2000s!

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