Monday, March 23, 2015

I just read a post of mine from a few years ago where I said I was going to stop crafting or I was going to end up with a houseful of ugly pink baskets.

Seriously. Neither of those things has happened.

Actually, I have gotten quite a lot of use out of that pink basket (in a closet, though, because it really is a whole new level of ugly), and I have not stopped the crafting at all. As a matter of fact, I have made a ton of stuff in the last few weeks, all of which I will tell you about RIGHT NOW.

The first thing I finished was this blanket I've been working on since August. When I bought the materials for it, we still had a queen-sized bed, but then we got the bigger bed and I decided to make it for the full-sized guest bed, and it turned out that I had less yarn that I thought I did, so that worked out great. See?

I also finished a big old doily to use in the center of my table. I don't care what anyone thinks, doilies are not just for old ladies. They are also for old ladies in their 30s. So stay off my lawn. But look what I did first.

Yep. I made those. So as you can plainly see, I haven't stopped making stuff. I also made two hats and two pairs of fingerless gloves last week, and I'm about halfway done with a new doily for I don't even know what. For stuff. For just making things for reasons.

I think I'm going to enter the county fair this year, too, so that's also another indicator that I'm going to start wearing one of those full-body aprons and referring to myself as Holly Hobbie.

Or maybe I should just make another butt-ugly pink basket for more closet storage.

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