Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Well, I know my new, new mattress (the one to replace the one the kids broke finally came on Saturday, so I got to see how it looks with the bedskirt and everything all done...it's awesome) is the best mattress in the world, because for the most part, I've been sleeping really deeply. Sort of like when I was a kid.

There is a drawback, though. I would rather not have dreams, or, really, I'd rather not remember them, and I'm sleeping all the way until the alarm goes off, so I'm having them and remembering them.

Which kind of sucks.

It's not like they're horror-movie style dreams, with someone wielding an axe and chasing me through the woods. It's more sinister than that.

I have dreams about work.

Nothing out of the ordinary or unusual. I just dream a whole day at work. In all of its boring, mind-numbing glory. This morning, I woke up just as dream me was preparing to go downstairs and pull charts.

Seriously. I am dreaming work in real time.

It's lame. It's the only drawback to this whole "sea of bed" thing.

(Ooh, and it is a sea of bed, too. It's gargantuan. I can lay on that bad boy sideways, if I want to.)

But anyway, I'm hoping that I start having some kind of dream that doesn't involve the banality of my office. Because it's boring enough having to be there during the day that I really don't want to have to dream the day all over again.

I would rather dream a commute. Or a trip to the grocery store. Or house cleaning. Anything other than charts and files and computers.

Oh, well. At least I'm not dreaming about raking up dog poop in the backyard. That would probably be worse, because of the smell.

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