Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I've been thinking a lot about friends lately. Not necessarily mine, just people's friends, in general, and a few who seem to just be really crappy at being friends. Now, I freely admit to being a flaky friend. I have way too much work going on in my life and not enough free time, and that is definitely something I need to work on.

However, there is a specific kind of friend that makes me wonder: Is this person really a friend, or is it better to just drift away and find someone else on whom to expend one's time and energy?

It seems a little ridiculous to me to expect a person to do everything he's asked, but to never reciprocate. It also seems ridiculous to never call just to say hi, but only when the friend needs something. Finally, it seems the most ridiculous of all to completely ignore the person when a newer, funner person comes along.

Actually, that's not ridiculous. That's just plain crap.

So, maybe you have a friend like that. Or worse, maybe you ARE a friend like that. Take a moment to think about it, won't you? Maybe your friends would actually like it if you didn't demand anything of them for five minutes. Maybe she would appreciate mattering as much to you as you do to her. Maybe he's tired of always being the one on whom you depend, and would like, for once, to be someone who's cared about and not just used for what he can do for you.

Or maybe you're just a big old turd, and not worth the time.

Also, maybe I'm a little annoyed by a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with me, so I'm taking it out on a bunch of people who aren't actually in the situation to which I'm referring (which has nothing to do with any of my fabulous friends who read this, either, by the way). 

But, still. I am trying to learn from this that I need to make sure my friends know that I love them, even when I don't need anything from them but their friendship. It's probably a good idea, because I do love them, and they are fabulous, and I don't even deserve the sparkliness of their presence.

(Also, I have a new, big bed. Have I mentioned that? It is big. Like, I can roll over about fifty times and even then I'm just barely approaching my husband's side. It's ginormous.

I'm a little distracted by the newness. It's definitely the coolest thing ever.)

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