Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Apparently, it's September.

Don't ask me how it happened, as I was just sitting here, minding my own business, feeling temperatures that were hotter than August's temperatures have any right to be, and then, all of a sudden, BAM!


And it's way hotter than September has any right to be, either. I am pretty sure somebody said this was going to be a wet, cool summer. That person is a filthy liar and I am calling him or her out, right now, because this was the summer I regretted having a leather couch and I took to wearing tank tops and short shorts all day when no one else was around.

If you know my aversion to having my business all out in the open air, you'll realize what a big deal that was.

At any rate, I'm so glad it's September. I hate summer.

Seriously, though, the light feels all autumnal and whatnot, and the breeze feels all autumnal and whatnot, and the temperature feels...

...like fricking July. Seriously. I am way too chubby for this.

Oh, and we started mega-diet this morning.

Maybe that accounts for some of this. I don't know.

I just want cold. Is that too much to ask for? I've being buying sweaters in the hopes that I will actually need them this year, but I'm starting to have my doubts. Can we just get a little 60-degree action maybe? Just a bit? That's not asking too much, is it?

85-degrees today and tomorrow. I live in the mountains. This is ridiculous. I may start stalking the weather guy and forcing him to tell me it's going to be 45, even though I know it's a lie, just so I can fool myself a little.

I realize I have air conditioning in my car and my bedroom. That is not the point. I want snow, guys. Snow.

Oh, well. That is all for today, I guess. 

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