Thursday, September 11, 2014

It seems to me like the world is largely ignoring one very important topic: The fact that I have an itchy spot in the middle of my back that I can't scratch properly.

If you think that this isn't a big deal, you're wrong.

How can I possibly be expected to do things like work and dishes and singing when I obviously have a major back itch problem with which I have had to contend for a good five minutes?

Goodness. What do you people think I am, a machine?

Yet the news hasn't mentioned it, not even once, and none of my friends or family members has called to see if I'm okay.

Which I am, thank you. I'm coping as well as possible, under the EXTREMELY ANNOYING circumstances.


At any rate, here's a picture which I'm hoping will distract me enough to enable me to push on through the pain.

Well, it's not really pain. Just itchy. Really, really itchy.


Yeah, I googled "celebrities without teeth and eyebrows." Do yourself a favor and try it. It's delightful and ever so distracting.

Especially when your back is itchy.

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