Monday, March 3, 2014

It seems to me that a few of the people who complain the most about the world being an unkind, uncaring place are the people who do the least to be kind to others in their daily lives.

This could just be a terrible generalization caused by a few lazy hippies, but I don't think so. I think that some people get so wrapped up in what they perceive as unkind behavior toward themselves that they become incapable of taking care of their day-to-day lives and then force someone else to pick up the slack.

And I think that's unkind.

It's a lot friendlier and more thoughtful to take care of yourself and not force your loved ones to do so than it is to spout a lot of platitudes about how mean everyone is to you, and how you're all about feeding starving orphans in Africa. This is not to say that I'm not concerned about the poor. I am. I think it's terrible that there are many people who go hungry while many of us have so much that just goes to waste, but I don't think it does them any good for me to get mentally wrapped up in their situation and stop taking care of the work that I need to do just to keep my household and workplace running.

In my opinion, that's a load of crap.

I realize that I have a lot of opinions on how to save the world, but this might just be my favorite one: Get off your ass, take care of your business, and THEN worry about the orphans, or kittens, or kids on drugs, or whatever it is that tugs at your heart (it's definitely puppies, for me).

If you are fortunate enough to be in a situation where you have another person to assist you in the day-to-day business of staying clothed, fed, and sheltered (as far as I'm concerned, at least), you have no right to complain about how mean the world is to you. Especially when you're out gallivanting about and your person is working his or her butt off to keep your livelihood intact.

I'm calling B.S. on that, right now.

It seem ridiculous, but it happens more often than you'd think. Did you ever stop and think about the fact that the universe is doing you a solid by giving you a person on whom you can depend? Did you ever think about how rough it can be, just being the dependable one? Did you ever notice that the steady paycheck that comes in is what makes all the difference in the world to your family, and also keeps your family from having to ask for help from the government, which, in turn, frees up some resources for another family that might not be fortunate enough to have an opportunity to earn an steady paycheck? And that maybe, just maybe, you should chip in and assist your person and be thankful for him or her and maybe, I don't know, give him or her a freaking break once in a while and stop being such a Harpy?

Huh? Did you? Huh?

Yes, I am an expert. I earned my SKE degree (that's a She Knows Everything Degree, btw) from Life University. I minored in accounting. Suck it.

Okay, this isn't that hilarious. I realize hilarity was promised in the title of my blog, but I just felt really annoyed this morning. Deal. For those of you who don't know, head on over to Wikipedia to find out what a Harpy is.


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