Monday, March 24, 2014

We're all pretty self-centered, right? I think we were probably made to be that way, so that we would actually care enough about surviving to actually get up off of our lazy butts and, I don't know, go harvest some corn or something. I wasn't actually around at the creation of our species, so I'm not exactly sure what the plan was, but I'm sure it included many, many self-protective instincts just floating around up in our brains.


I don't think it's cool to be totally self-involved. Not even on social media, such as Facebook. Maybe, I don't know, one should actually LISTEN to the words being aimed at one's head by the individual whose lips are moving. Those are called sentences and they may actually be important, even if they are not about him.

Maybe don't just sit there, waiting for the other person to finish speaking, in order to start talking and shift the subject back to the all-important YOU. I realize we all have things to say. I get it. Sometimes we all have something we really want to talk about really really really a lot.

The rules of living within a society of people involve these little things called, "manners," and if we'd like to be considered people with good sets of those, STOP DOING THAT.

Listen, once in a while. REALLY LISTEN. Turn off your, "me" filter. Maybe the other person has things he or she would like to talk about, as well. Maybe the two of you could, I don't know, take turns.

Does this sound a little like stuff we might've heard at some point in our lives? Maybe in pre-school or kindergarten? Yeah? Then maybe we should all try it out. I promise, it hasn't gone out of style.

Facebook aside, life is not all about pushing our own agendas to the forefront. A person's status is his own little place to just speak his piece, and no one else should hijack it to make it about himself. A person's conversation is much more fluid, involving verbal give-and-take, yet we should still make an effort not to hijack that.

Or, one should prepare one's self to have no friends. None. Because nobody likes that. Nobody.

No, I am not annoyed with anyone this morning. Not at all. Have yourselves a flipping sunshiny day.


  1. Really good relevant read here:
