Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Well, we're finally doing it. And by "we," I mostly mean "my husband," because he is the one who's going to be doing most of the hard work. What will we be doing?

Remodeling our gross bathroom!

It's very exciting, but also very expensive. Not as much as if we hired other people to do the work, but not as little as if anything at all in this bad boy was salvageable.

Unfortunately, the bathroom is 49 years old and has never had any remodeling besides a handicapped-accessible shower stall and a weird little handicapped-friendly toilet. Accessibility is great, but the shower and toilet are leaky and it's time to say goodbye. I don't think any tears will be shed, at least until it's time to pay for the whole thing.

Yes, we've decided that the warped floor and pile of towels we have to keep behind the toilet to sop up the leakage from the toilet need to be gone, and since the sink doesn't drain properly and the shower is just blech, we should go for it.

We went to Home Depot this weekend. We purchased tile. Just tile. Nothing else. We went and looked at some other stuff, but just the tile took hours, and I was done by that point. Did you know that, in the 60s, nothing was ever, ever made by any sort of standard measurement and, therefore, we're going to have to special-order everything requiring a precise size, such as a shower door?

Guess how much a shower door costs. Just go ahead and guess. Unless you've purchased on recently, you may be so shocked, I won't even say the price because first of all, your head might explode, and I don't want that, and secondly, if I see it down in print I might just say, "Do we really need a shower door? Can't we just be careful with the water?"

Yeah. It's that much.

It is fun to see the display where they show how you can flush a whole basket of golf balls down the one kind of toilet. That's impressive, but I wouldn't recommend it. I want to see a display where they show people trying to flush more than two squares of toilet paper down one of those low-flow bad boys. That would be awesome.

At any rate, the whole thing is going to be messy and stressful, but I guess in the end it'll be worth it. I feel like we just finished the kitchen and the windows and we had wanted to have a break in-between, but I guess the leaky toilet had other ideas.

Yeah,  I'm going to post pictures when we're done. Try to calm yourselves. I know looking at other people's renovations is the most fun thing on the planet. Almost as much fun as vacation photos. At least there will only be a few, since it's a tiny bathroom. And no more weird, short, square toilet! Yay!

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