Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When one is faced with a situation one is unhappy with, several options present themselves:

First, one can try to pretend that said situation isn't really happening; e.g., escaping into a happy place in one's head.

This is my general approach. That's why I put it first.

Second, one can try to resolve the situation and/or make it better.

Yeah, that one never works for me, either.

Finally, one can always become part of the problem by having a bad attitude and making things worse for the others who are also stuck in the same boat.

Why do people have to be turds?

I guess I'm trying to say that we're all in stupid situations every stinking day. There is no perfect situation, except maybe winning the lottery. (That's not going to make your life awesome, statistically speaking...it's more likely to take whatever little bit of joy exists in the winner's life, wring it out, shake it up, and then hand it back to the winner like a used washcloth. Plus, look up the odds of winning. Seriously. Keep the dollar.)

Quit being such a poop to everybody else. It's most likely not that person's fault that life hasn't turned out to be the way your six-year-old self envisioned it. Geez. If the world worked that way, we'd have a billion firemen, a few doctors, and a ton of unicorn farms. Oh, and way more ninjas. Would anyone be a proctologist? Probably not. I also doubt there would be too many people working at gas stations.

So, yeah, life isn't really fair for anybody. Sometimes people are going to take advantage of people, and that's not good. Most of the time, however, the things that happen to us are results of our own actions.

For example, you, having to take time out of your busy schedule to go to the hospital because I challenged you to a throw-down in the parking lot because I couldn't deal with your idiocy any more, and I knew darn well no one else was going to do anything about it.

That's just an example. It's not really going to happen.

If it did, though, there would definitely be a trip to Urgent Care. Probably for me because I would trip and fall on the way out the door and get some kind of head injury, but still. I'm in my happy place. Leave me be.

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