Friday, January 18, 2013

Okay. I am going to have the best attitude you've ever seen, starting today. I realize this statement is easier to make on a Friday morning than probably any other morning of the week, but I'm taking baby steps here.

Having a good attitude is kind of foreign to me.

I am not going to complain about work anymore. I am not going to just put my dishes in the sink anymore when we have a perfectly good dishwasher just sitting there. I am not going to eat cookies for breakfast anymore. I am not going to deliver sermons in my head to homeless people holding signs that say "God Bless" (if you think I'm going to give you money for that, you're dead wrong, so try being honest and see how far that gets you because if I ever see a sign that says, "I got fired from my minimum wage crap job and I was sick of going to work so I thought I'd just give this a try" I'll probably pitch in). Finally, I am not going to go to McDonald's at lunch with my friend and have just fries and a Coke for my meal anymore (although, I have to say, that was the best meal I've ever eaten).

No more. I am going to be kind and helpful and hard-working and not bitchy. I am going to come home after work and practice, no matter how bad my head hurts or how craptastic my day was, and I'm going to be nice to everyone. EVERYONE. Even if they're annoying as hell.

Yep. Going to do all of that.


It's going to happen. That's going to be me.



I swear.

Ugh. I am not going to like this.

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