Friday, January 4, 2013

It has occurred to me that I have a ton of unconditional love in my life. I think this is really really important to my sense of happiness and well-being and all of that, but I also feel like maybe other people didn't get so lucky with the genetic slot machine. That is to say, my family loves me, no matter what, even when I'm awful (which is a lot of the time), and if I ever needed someone to turn to, there is a huge group of people who would be on my list, a few of whom aren't even related to me.

This is quite fierce, but the part that is less-than-fierce is the part about other people not being so fortunate.

Therefore, I have decided that this year I am going to be more kind/loving/forgiving/etc. Last year, I tried to do more of the things I always say I'm going to do, and that worked out pretty well for me, so this year I'm going to try this one out. I'm going to be quicker to forgive and let go, and I'm just going to like the people I like and not be so afraid that they'll find out that I'm a weirdo.

I totally am, but that's part of being myself and if people don't like it, I have to learn to be okay with that. But I'm going to like them and be nice anyway, except for a few people that I've decided I just can't like. They are in my "extra nice" pile. These people are the ones I make myself be super ultra mega nice to, just because deep down inside I can't stand them, and I don't want them to know. These people are also usually the ones I'm forced to have contact with, so....yeah....a little harder for me, but I will do my best to forgive them for being stupid poopfaces.

So, basically, this would be the time to ask me for money. Not because you'll get any, but because now I'll feel free to laugh in your face, in a loving and accepting way, of course. I will, however, probably do a real laugh, not a fakey little one, and I may be wearing a unicorn head. Just a thought.

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