Thursday, January 24, 2013

I have now been completely artificial sweetener free for almost two weeks, and I have to say it: This hippie b.s. may just be working.

I always thought the hype against artificial sweeteners was a ploy by the hippies to get me to become even fatter so they'd have more people to look down on, because in the hierarchy of life, we all know that the hippies are slightly above fat people, who are slightly above axe murderers and people who are mean to kittens (seriously...ask anybody).

I don't know why I decided to do it, but I guess I just thought that maybe having less sweet overall would be good for me. Especially since I was using around 10 sweetener packets a day, and probably for the last twenty years or so. I was used to the taste and it didn't seem fakey to me at all.

Anyway, I decided to just go for it. I've been weaning myself down since the beginning of January, and then I went from just having the sweetener in my coffee to none. Zero. I actually use REAL SUGAR in my coffee, and when I have a soda, I have a REAL one. I haven't been free with the real sodas since, well, ever.

I thought I might have withdrawal or something, but the only real issue was getting used to tea with no sweet in it and coffee with sugar instead of sweetener, since I'm counting calories and I can't put sugar in everything, so I save it for my coffee.

Guess what? Real sugar tastes way better than sweetener in coffee, plus it has the added bonus of sometimes leaving a little extra sweet bit in the bottom of the cup.

Overall, I'm really surprised at what I've noticed. My sugar cravings have gone way down, and I'm not craving soda at all anymore, plus I haven't gained any weight at all from the sugar. I'm even using less sugar in my coffee already, as I started with two teaspoons in each cup and I've sort of settled on one teaspoon per cup now.

Now, if I could give up fat, I'd be good to go. But that's not going to happen, because I loves me some fat. Especially the kind that they mix with sugar. Like in doughnuts. Mmmm. 


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